
Your viewing and use of the information provided by AdvocateWeb indicates that you have read and accept the terms set forth in this disclaimer.

AdvocateWeb provides this web site as an education and information resource.

  • Those who have been emotionally/sexually exploited and abused by someone in a “trusted helping profession”
  • Family and loved ones of those who have been exploited
  • Experts, professionals, and victim-advocates
  • Plus: We hope to help educate those in the various “helping professions” who have the capacity to exploit people in their care. Sadly, sometimes these professionals may be “informed” concerning codes of ethics and laws and yet may not fully appreciate the tremendous harm they can cause.

AdvocateWeb is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt Texas nonprofit corporation. We have tried to provide information that might be helpful in understanding and dealing with the complex issues that arise from this form of abuse. Any reference to other professionals, individuals, books, articles, research projects, seminars, lectures, websites, products, treatments, services, companies, or other organizations is not an endorsement or recommendation by AdvocateWeb.

The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of AdvocateWeb, and the use of information gained from this site is not intended to replace the expert guidance of a mental health or medical professional, clergy, or attorney. We provide NO mental health or legal services. This is for educational purposes only and should never be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, consult an attorney.

The diagnosis and treatment of depression and other psychiatric disorders requires trained medical professionals. Any mental health information is to be used for educational purposes only. It should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking qualified ethical professional care for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical/psychiatric disorder. The potential risks associated with improper diagnosis or treatment can best be minimized by consultations with properly qualified, ethical, competent professionals.

We do not monitor linked websites which are continually changing. AdvocateWeb is not responsible or liable for the content or accuracy of information that is contributed by users of AdvocateWeb or at other linked sites. We encourage and invite the contribution of relevant information which might be useful, but those contributing such information are individually responsible for accuracy and content.

AdvocateWeb makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the information on this website and specifically disclaims any warranty of fitness for any particular purpose. We make no claims that any information we provide will fit your exact needs. Additionally, we accept no liability for any direct, consequential, or other damages resulting from your use of AdvocateWeb.

Some information, discussion, poetry, etc. may be emotionally “triggering” for some survivors. Use at your own risk. If you are suicidal, call 911 or contact a suicide hotline in your area immediately.

Use of this web site constitutes your understanding and acceptance of these provisions and your agreement to hold AdvocateWeb harmless in all circumstances. Further disclaimers and warnings about safety in using the Internet may be found on our email peer support, discussion forum, and chat web pages.

Articles and information provided by other authors/publications are clearly labeled with permission and copyright statements. It is forbidden to use any content created by AdvocateWeb without specific permission of AdvocateWeb or the article’s author and publisher. No one may mirror or store retrieved information from this site, other than for purposes of network caching, without specific permission from AdvocateWeb. All graphic images created by AdvocateWeb are protected by copyright laws and may not be used without permission. To obtain such permission, contact AdvocateWeb, P.O. Box 240, Newton, MA 02468 or email advocatewebhelp@gmail.com.

We realize trust is likely to be a major issue with you, if you have been exploited by a “trusted helping professional.” You can find the help you need. There are many resources listed here. We hope this Web site has been helpful to you and we wish you the best in your continued recovery.



P.S. Keep in mind: “You may find yourself going through hell… just don’t stop there!”

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