How important is it that I support AdvocateWeb?
AdvocateWeb is broadly endorsed internationally by a diverse group of representatives from many different professions, backgrounds, and areas of expertise, on our Advisory Council.
Website Review – AdvocateWeb HOPE
Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, A Publication of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, Volume 24, Number 4, 1999. Al Cooper, Editor; Reviewed by Peter J. Fagan, PhD, an Associate Professor of Medical Psychology, and David A. Gotlib, MD, a Fellow in the Div. of Child Psychiatry, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. “From the homepage with a menu of the Website’s features to the guest book in which some of the 170,000+ visitors since January 1998 have left moving testimonials to AdvocateWeb’s assistance to them, the Website is a must utilize (not just visit) to anyone who would benefit from further information about sexual exploitation of clients by professionals.”
Other Endorsements by Professionals
Carolyn Bates, Ph.D.
Author of: “Sex in the Therapy Hour: A Case of Professional Incest”
When therapists sexually exploit their patients or clients, secrecy and deception are part and parcel of the context in which the betrayal occurs. AdvocateWeb is the first and most thorough website of its kind for victims of therapist sexual exploitation. It offers victims the opportunity to talk with others and in so doing, shed the burden of secrecy and recognize the depth of the deception they have encountered. It offers them the opportunity to learn about this phenomenon and to recognize they are not alone in struggling to understand its effects on their lives.
Yvonne Maes, Master of Education and Master of Pastoral Studies
Author: “The Cannibal’s Wife: A Memoir”, 1999 classification of book: 1. Ex-nun’s Biography 2. Sexual abuse victims Biography 3. Sexual misconduct by clergy Consultant: boundaries and abuse issues
AdvocateWeb has become a life line. It has ended my years and years of isolation and brought me into contact with dynamic individuals all working to the same end – ending abuse.
Dr. Sue Penfold, Psychiatrist
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Survivor of sexual abuse by a psychiatrist, and Author of “Sexual abuse by health professionals: a personal search for healing and meaning.”
Today, as survivors of sexual abuse or as their therapists, advocates or friends, we face a backlash against allegations of sexual abuse. All too often, victims are ignored, trivialised, disbelieved, demonised and revictimised. AdvocateWeb, providing information, support and networking on an international scale, provides hope to victims and gives us all the needed energy and impetus to work together for constructive change.
Gary R. Schoener, Licensed Psychologist (M.Eq.)
Advocateweb is a unique resource. I wish it had been around during the past two decades. It is the antidote to the isolation that victims and their families feel, and also that advocates feel. More of our writings are to be found on its page than on our own. An incomparable resource.
Angelica Redleaf, D.C. Chiropractor
Author of: “BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: Gender, Sexuality & Touch in the Doctor/Patient Relationship”, and speaker, trainer, consultant.
Advocateweb is an incredible resource for professionals and clients/patients to get much-needed information and to find out how they can keep themselves safe in the health care relationship.
Endorsements by Survivors and Victim Advocates
“I want to say how grateful to you I am for putting together AdvocateWeb, for all your help, for all your prayers and for all your support. AdvocateWeb is a life saver and a God send and I am very very grateful to you!”
“God has used AdvocateWeb greatly in my life, giving me hope when I wasn’t able to see any.”
Maureen A. Redler
Full time mother Victim/Survivor/Activist
Advocate web has been a lifeline to me as a survivor. There have been very dark periods in my recovery process and AdvocateWeb opened the gates of silence that shrouds sexual exploitation by professionals. Shame and isolation are washed away by the information, links, and contact with those who truly understand. It is a comprehensive tool for victims, their loved ones and professionals. It is nothing short of a miracle.
Anonymous, Houston, TX
Profession of Perpetrator: a leading Professor/Researcher/Practitioner–Psychiatrist
How AdvocateWeb helped Me: A year-long search in a city of nearly 4 million people surprisingly resulted in ONLY one support group for victims of Psychiatric exploitation; however, that group was closed; I could no longer afford several hundred dollars a month for therapy and was quickly backsliding toward suicidal; I then found AdvocateWeb, rich with resources but most helpful via an on-line support group when I felt desperately alone with no one able to understand the horrors I experienced and continue to, as a result of the abusive psychiatrist. Most valuable—the group brainstorming on ideas for overcoming the myriad obstacles faced in the healing process.
SDA Survivor
Survivor of Clergy and Educator Sexual Abuse, Editor of C.E.A.S.E.
AdvocateWeb has provided me, as a survivor with an enormous resource and it has been a tremendous relief to find such a great collection of information in one place. The materials on this site have helped me take control of my healing process and put me in touch with others who have become an integral part of my journey toward wholeness.
Profession of Perpetrator: Psychologist
I suffered for almost a decade with depression after sexual abuse at the hands of an individual at the top of his profession. In the years following the abuse I became increasingly filled with guilt, anger and shame, yet I did not realize that the perpetrator was the cause of those feelings. When I found AdvocateWeb and started reading the articles about the fiduciary relationship, boundary violations … I realized the extent of his malpractice and began to forgive myself and to heal. AdvocateWeb has been nothing short of a miracle for me. If only this resource had been available years ago, I could have prevented immeasurable pain.