Civil and Criminal Codes Listed/Searchable by State
These online listings of State and Federal Criminal and Civil Codes are searchable. Try searching for topics such as “sexual exploitation” or “sexual assault” or “sexual harassment.” Legal Research Page
U.S. House of Representatives, Office of Law Revision Counsel
State Criminal Codes
Federal Rules of Civil Procedures
Washburn University School of Law
Setting the Boundaries UK Home Office Report
Therapist/Client sexual relationships have been criminalized in these States:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Maine
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington
- Wisconsin
Watch the following video to see which States criminalize therapist/client sexual exploitation but DO NOT require criminal background checks:
Examples of State Laws Concerning Sexual Exploitation/Assault Offenses
These are only a small sampling of the laws pertaining to sexual offenses in some of the states (in the USA). Other laws may apply, in addition to sexual exploitation/assault laws (civil and criminal). Consult a lawyer or an appropriate agency in your state for more information about your state’s laws.
Alaska Statutes, Title 11. Criminal Law, Chapter 41. Offenses Against the Person Article 4. Sexual Offenses, Section 420. Sexual Assault in the Second Degree
Colorado 13-25-131. Civil actions – sexual assault – certain evidence presumed irrelevant
Colorado 18-3-404. Unlawful sexual contact
Colorado 18-3-405.5. Sexual assault on a client by a psychotherapist
Colorado18-3-405.3. Sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust
Florida 1997 Statutes, 794.011 Sexual Battery
Indiana Codes Title 35, Article 42, Chapter 4 – Sex Crimes
Iowa Code 1997, Chapter 709 Section 15 Sexual exploitation by a counselor or therapist
Iowa Code 709.3 Sexual Abuse in the Second Degree
Iowa Code 709.15 Sexual Exploitation By a Counselor, Therapist or School Employee
Kansas Statute # 21-3502, Chapter 21.–Crimes and Punishments, Article 35.–Sex Offenses, Rape
Maryland House Bill 33 Criminal Law – Professional Counselors and Therapists Conduct (Lynette’s Law)
Minnesota Statute Chapter 148A.02, Cause of Action for Sexual Exploitation, Psychotherapists
New Hampshire Criminal Code, Chapter 632-A:3 Felonious Sexual Assault
Ohio Title 29, Section 2907.02 Rape
Ohio Title 29, Section 2907.03 Sexual Battery
Ohio Title 29, Section 2907.05 Gross Sexual Imposition
Ohio Title 29, Section 2907.06 Sexual Imposition
Tennessee Code, Title 29 Remedies and Special Proceedings
Texas Penal Code Title 5 Offenses Against the Person Chapter 22 Assaultive Offenses
Utah Code Section 76-5-406 Sexual offenses
Utah R495 Human Services, Administration code, R495-876. Provider Code of Conduct
Virginia Code 18.2-67.4 Sexual Battery
Wyoming, Title 6, Crimes and Offenses, Article 3 Sexual Assault
*Note: Information provided here does not represent legal advice. If you face a specific legal situation, you should conduct independent inquiries with legal professionals to determine what your legal rights are in your state or country.